
  • Azelofa suggests that himself, Zerek, and Wasted_Ticks try Minecraft; they did.
  • Zerek began hosting a Minecraft server on an old laptop, primarily to play with worldedit.
  • Minecraft Player Head Zerek opened the server to the public.
  • Start of Season 1
  • Server Initially named HeavySurvival
  • At this time, a single post to planetminecraft.com would bring in 10-20 players within 5 minutes.
  • Minecraft Player Head Wasted_Ticks (an IRL friend of Zerek) started playing on the server.
  • Minecraft Player Head Mawcks (an IRL friend of Zerek) started playing on the server.


  • Minecraft Player Head webeill4, (an IRL friend of Zerek) started playing on the server.
  • Minecraft Player Head Azelofa (an IRL friend of Zerek) started playing on the server..



  • Minecraft Player Head Wasted_Ticks was promoted to administrator.


  • Minecraft Player Head webeill4 was promoted to helper.
  • The server was often turned on for the purpose of posting an ad then admin abusing all the players who joined.
  • The server was often reset without notice and would be offline for weeks at a time, essentially no structure.
  • Wasted_Ticks steps away from Minecraft.



  • Name changed from HeavySurvival to StraightUpSurvival
  • Minecraft Player Head Mawcks was promoted to moderator.
  • Zerek as owner, and Mawcks as moderator, run the server for the first time under the name StraightUpSurvival.
  • The earliest known screenshot - A room in the spawn area. Unsure of the significance of "386 bin".
  • Custom admin tools | Teleportation Device: gold hoe - Matter Manipulator: gold axe


  • Minecraft Player Head Wasted_Ticks returns as administrator.
  • Zerek upgrades server hardware from an old laptop to a slightly better old PC tower.
  • The server still lacks structure, and is often offline. Admin abuse is still rampant.


  • Start of Season 2
  • Name changed from StraightUpSurvival to ZZSurvival
  • Season 2 Spawn



  • Name changed from ZZSurvival to AbyssPVP
  • Minecraft Player Head Zerek drops owner title. All administrators now equal owners. (Zerek & Wasted_Ticks)


  • Start of Season 3
  • Name changed from AbyssPVP to StraightUpSurvival
  • Season 3 Spawn



  • Start of Season 4
  • Zombie Survival custom mini-game is added for the first time.
  • Zerek steps away from Minecraft.
  • Minecraft Player Head Cendan was promoted to moderator.



  • Wasted_Ticks steps away from Minecraft.
  • Mawcks steps away from Minecraft.
  • Cendan steps away from Minecraft.
  • Season 4 ends with no future plans.


  • Minecraft Player Head Mawcks revives the server as an administrator.
  • Start of Season 5
  • Mawcks administrates season 5 alone.



  • Season 5 ends with no future plans.


  • Minecraft Player Head Zerek revives the server as an administrator.
  • Start of Season 6
  • Season 6 Spawn
  • Player feathers are added to StraightUpSurvival.
  • Minecraft Player Head Wasted_Ticks returns as administrator.
  • The Discord server was created which was monumental for the community.



  • Minecraft Player Head Mawcks returns as administrator.


  • Minecraft Player Head Azelofa was promoted to administrator.


  • Start of Season 7
  • Season 7 Spawn


  • The world border was changed from 5k to 7.5k.



  • Players create a place for Minecraft marriages.


  • The world border was changed from 7.5k to 37.5k in an effort to dilute xray raids.
  • Joining the Discord server now required linking your account.
  • The spawn ship is built for the first time.
  • Janette the unkillable sheep appears at spawn. Many players steal janette and attempt to kill her.


  • /spank command was first introduced.
  • Early End reset fight.


  • Start of Season 8
  • Season 8 Spawn
  • Perm donors each had a permanent personal voice channel in Discord.
  • The Prefix system based on hours played was implemented.
  • Minecraft Player Head RavioliRampage was promoted to assistant.
  • Minecraft Player Head anneturtle was promoted to assistant.


  • Anti-combat logging meassures were added.
  • Minecraft Player Head Stornwald was promoted to assistant.
  • anneturtle was fired from staff ranks.
  • Anneturtle was fired for making definitive statements about player's suggestions as if her call was final.


  • Dye rewards were introduced. (Snitch Dye, Bug Search Dye, etc)


  • Minecraft Player Head Hughgar was promoted to assistant.
  • Build zone is added to spawn.


  • Anticipating server growth, Discord Donor voice channels were replaced with a --Join to Create-- temp channel system.


  • A No-Drop arena was added to spawn where players could fight with keep inventory enabled.


  • Minecraft Player Head Hosmosis was promoted to assistant.
  • Stornwald retired as assistant.



  • Start of Season 9
  • Season 9 Spawn
  • "Moderator" role is introduced alongside "Assistant" role.
  • Minecraft Player Head RavioliRampage was promoted to moderator.
  • Minecraft Player Head Hosmosis was promoted to moderator.
  • Minecraft Player Head Hughgar was promoted to moderator.


  • Minecraft Player Head Shamooone was promoted to assistant.
  • Minecraft Player Head SupahBero was promoted to assistant.
  • Minecraft Player Head The_LastGurdian was promoted to assistant.
  • Minecraft Player Head jbromack was promoted to assistant.
  • An intro is added for new players.
  • Hughgar builds a no-drop arena at a cardinal warp.
  • Ender chests are enabled on F64 with a tax, where opening an ender chest costs 5 gold; this change is hated.
  • The seed is cracked and a reset is announced only 1 month after the previous reset.


  • The_LastGurdian was demoted from staff ranks.
  • Start of Season 10
  • Season 10 Spawn
  • The ender chest gold tax is replaced with an eye of ender tax, required to be in the player's hand and consumed.
  • Clan banners on display in clan hall
  • Large End fight winner (based on tracked scores) get their banner put up at clan hall.
  • RavioliRampage builds a pvp arena.


  • Minecraft Player Head Robovolk was promoted to assistant.
  • Hosmosis retired as moderator.
  • Dupe Week - At this time, most dupes such as carpet and tnt were blocked due to the server strain but were unblocked for 1 week.


  • The ender chest tax is fully removed.
  • With recent reset/season instability Zerek promises that season 11 will be at least 1 year long (It ended up being 484 days long).


  • Start of Season 11
  • Name changed from StraightUpSurvival to feather64
  • Season 10 Spawn
  • Lapis replaces gold ingots as currency on feather64 due to piglins being added to minecraft creating heavy vanilla use for gold.
  • Mob head drops are added to the server for the first time.
  • Donor build zone is added to spawn.


  • A minefield is added to spawn.
  • Minecraft Player Head Krunticus was promoted to assistant.
  • Minecraft Player Head GaryLaserEyes was promoted to assistant.


  • GaryLaserEyes was demoted from staff ranks.


  • Donor build zone is moved to an above-ground platform.
  • Minecraft Player Head FinleySS was promoted to assistant.
  • Minecraft Player Head 7girl7girl was promoted to assistant.
  • Discord channel #surveys is created.
  • Minecraft Player Head Connmon was promoted to assistant.
  • The world border is expanded to 64k.


  • Games world is open to the public for the first time.
  • Zerek offers 10,000 Lapis to anyone who gets "feather64" tattooed on them.



  • Minecraft Player Head Shamooone was promoted to moderator.
  • jbromack retired as assistant.
  • Minecraft Player Head Slugsey was promoted to assistant.
  • Minecraft Player Head 7_8er was promoted to assistant.


  • New players are given keep-inventory status for 1 hour.
  • Supporter Subscription is introduced.
  • Fight in no-drop under spawn.


  • Azelofa retired as administrator.
  • Minecraft Player Head FinleySS was promoted to moderator.
  • Minecraft Player Head Shrimpuz was promoted to assistant.
  • Minecraft Player Head weep_whale was promoted to assistant.
  • Prefix tower added to spawn. Each level requires the next prefix level to enter.


  • The world border is expanded to 128k.
  • Donor head display added to spawn. The head is replaced with a random donor once a day.


  • Minecraft Player Head weep_whale was promoted to moderator.
  • Donor build zone gets a player reset function.
  • The nether is reset.
  • An art gallery is added to spawn where player's map art is put on display.
  • Minecraft birthday party for weep_whale.


  • Many Discord channels are created for various interests and games. Many players are extremely active due to lockdowns.
  • 7_8er was demoted from staff ranks.


  • Hughgar retired as moderator.
  • Minecraft Player Head Shrubbby was promoted to assistant.
  • Minecraft Player Head Flollis was promoted to assistant.
  • Minecraft Player Head Wouter222 was promoted to assistant.
  • Wouter222 was fired from staff ranks.
  • Wouter222 breaks a record for fastest demotion due to immediately abusing his inferred assistant trust to raid another assistant.
  • Advocate role is created in Discord for advertisement pings such as reddit posts.
  • QOL mods are specified as permitted.


  • Flollis was demoted from staff ranks.
  • A text based ad market system is implemented to feather64.


  • Slugsey retired as assistant.
  • Last day of season 11.



  • Start of Season 12
  • Season 12 Spawn
  • The season is launched with network architecture including a lobby world which connects to the survival world.
  • With the aid of the lobby world, feather64 sets a personal record of 94 players online.
  • The custom illusioner boss battle is added to feather64.
  • Minecraft Player Head ALittl3Lucky was promoted to assistant.


  • The network architecture is dropped including the lobby world in order to simplify server maintenance.
  • The massive serge in players from the start of the season has faded. Many players are no longer in covid lockdowns.


  • Mawcks retired as administrator.
  • All moderators were forced to "retire".
  • RavioliRampage retired as moderator.
  • Shamooone retired as moderator.
  • FinleySS retired as moderator.
  • weep_whale retired as moderator.
  • Many assistants were forced to "retire".
  • Robovolk retired as assistant.
  • SupahBero retired as assistant.
  • Connmon retired as assistant.
  • 7girl7girl retired as assistant.
  • Krunticus retired as assistant.
  • Phantoms are disabled.


  • Season 12's spawn is replaced with an improved version of our classic island spawn build.
  • Shrubbby's server trailer is released.
  • The server website is updated with the theme of a medical site.


  • Mob head drop rates are unified so all mobs drop their heads at the same rate with a few exceptions.
  • The official youtube channel is created for the purpose of posting the odd informative tip video.


  • Minecraft Player Head Snurkar was promoted to assistant.


  • Minecraft Player Head ALittl3Lucky was promoted to moderator.
  • Minecraft Player Head weep_whale was re-promoted to moderator.
  • Snurkar was demoted from staff ranks.



  • Voting is implemented with log rewards.
  • Zerek announces that seasons will be 3-4x as long as they were previously. Season 12 could last 5 years.
  • Minecraft Player Head jbromack was re-promoted to assistant.


  • Minecraft Player Head TigheGuy99 was promoted to assistant.


  • Voting 64 times within a month now rewards the player with a lored 'vote ballot'.


  • Wasted_Ticks retired as administrator.


  • The server player count begins to pickup again (peaking ~16) from a multi-month lull (peaking ~5).
  • Season 12 games world is opened. The world includes the lobby build from the start of the season.
  • Minecraft Player Head Shamooone was re-promoted to moderator.
  • Minecraft Player Head Shrubbby was promoted to moderator.


  • A jukebox wall was added to the plaza, allowing players to play music discs.


  • TigheGuy99 was demoted from staff ranks.


  • The server store (https://store.feather64.net) opened temporarily for the first time selling mugs and mousepads.



  • ALittl3Lucky was demoted from staff ranks.
  • jbromack was demoted from staff ranks.
  • A nether hub is added to the server.


  • Minecraft Player Head Oceanium was promoted to assistant.
  • Minecraft Player Head zzRoadhousezz was promoted to assistant.
  • First animated banner for server advertising.


  • Players take a group shot at spawn.
  • A large influx of players from OG Network migrated to Feather64.
  • The plaza was rebuilt.
  • The new plaza includes a new jukebox.
  • The new plaza includes a platform donor build zone with player reset ability.


  • Oceanium was demoted from staff ranks.
  • Minecraft Player Head MilkAndChips was promoted to assistant.
  • Minecraft Player Head Largente was promoted to assistant.
  • The world border is increased to 320,000 blocks. The nether being 1:8 scale at 40,000 blocks.


  • The mace was nerfed - damage reduced by 20% and a maximum damage cap was implemented.


  • weep_whale was demoted from staff ranks.
  • MilkAndChips was demoted from staff ranks.
  • Minecraft Player Head Oceanium was re-promoted to assistant.
  • Minecraft Player Head Draupnir420 was promoted to assistant.
  • ReFrame Tool is released as a page on the website. The tool is used to convery any image to a MC painting resolution file.


  • Largente was demoted from staff ranks.
  • The Official F64 resource pack is released on the website.



  • Minecraft Player Head TheOtherAnt was promoted to assistant.


  • Minecraft Player Head MilkAndChips was re-promoted to assistant.